Thursday, January 11, 2018

Day 3: The Little Things Are Big - Claire

Today we began our first day of work of Falmouth Field School 2018. By lunch tomorrow we will have all tried each of our three activities. For me, today was filled with little moments that brought me great joy. I began my work in town fleshing out ideas for our short film that we'll be working on during our time here. We spent our time exploring Falmouth while talking about collaborating ideas for our film. During our short exploration, we spent some time finding and visiting friends from field schools past. During that time we gave many hugs, mostly to the people who remembered us (mostly thanks to our iconic t-shirts). These simple interactions with the locals are exactly what this trip is about to me; building friendships, connections and rapport.

After lunch which included pb&j, on quite possibly the most delicious bread in the entire world, we headed to the Kent Archeological Site on Spanish Hill where we spent the afternoon digging for artifacts from Jamaica's first people, the Taino. During our time on site, Anna, Dr. Connelly and I made some really great finds. We found mostly shells, which were exciting, however, more importantly today we found some really great fragments of pottery and Anna even found the rim of a decorated pot. This is significant because it will give the archeologists who look at it more closely a lot of information about the types of pottery they were using.

Today I thought a lot about how important seemingly small or simple things are to this trip. For example, making connections with just a few locals of Falmouth can lead to an important interview which will could be a vital part of our film. Or a small piece of pottery, could tell us so much about the history of the island. Having the opportunity to eat the worlds most delicious bread on a veranda in Falmouth, Jamaica or listening to Bob Marley with your bus driver on the way home from your day's work are the little cultural experiences along the way to better experience this big opportunity. Sometimes, the little things are big!

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