Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Day 1: My Jamaica Foreshadow - and Mosquitoes - Luke

     As a freshman at The Post Oak School, I definitely did not expect to be traveling to Jamaica in just my second semester of high school. Being a newcomer to Falmouth and the Field School is not intimidating, but just full of excitement and anticipation for what this trip has in store. I have always appreciated the culture of Jamaica, mostly through reggae music, and thought it would be a great opportunity to learn more about a culture I have been interested in.

     Now being in Jamaica, fully realizing I am on a relatively small island and driving through winding roads to arrive at an awesome view of the mountains, I finally realize why this place is so different than what I have been exposed to. The secluded atmosphere, being out in the country, is something that is really amazing and that surprised me. This place has a totally different culture and way of life in a different society than what I am used to. Understanding these different factors led me to think about what I want to accomplish during my time in Falmouth.

     While I don't have just one goal in mind, I really just want to immerse myself in a culture that I have never been around. I would like to not be treated as a tourist, looking at Jamaica from the outside, but rather as a 'researcher', uncovering what this place has to offer. I would also like to socialize with the people here, understanding their way of life; maybe even impacting just one or two lives, in a positive way, would allow me to leave feeling accomplished. Going into a trip like this, I believe I will have a new understanding of different perspectives and cultures.


  1. Beautiful bog Luke! I hope you have an amazing experience and I look forward to reading more soon! Did I miss the part about the mosquitoes??

  2. Hi Luke. Great blog. Thanks for sharing and hope you have a great trip! Mom
