Friday, January 11, 2019

Photo Blog Day 4: Patties and Preservation - Sutton

Andreas follows all the rules, particularly about staying hydrated! 

Luke clears the rocks on the historical restoration project.

Sutton tries her first patty wrapped in coco bread, a local Jamaican delicacy!

Sutton goes for her second bite!

Sutton loves patties (and Falmouth Field School)!

Sutton's patty is as big as her face!

And it's not just Sutton who enjoyed a patty; it was the entire film group who enjoyed the mid-day snack!

1 comment:

  1. That patty is bigger than Sutton! See if you can procure the recipe so we can make those patties here. I'll provide a cooking class and space. Maybe a "Falmouth Field School Reunion Party" could be a new tradition?
